Learn how to get started and set up your Wheelbase account.
Support tools
- Support Center: Use this document and other articles from our Support Center to learn how to use Wheelbase.
- Chat function: You will see a small bubble in the lower right corner. Feel free to shoot us a message there with any questions.
- Self-service training: Your sales representative will enroll you in online courses to guide you through account settings and booking management.
Menu items
The main navigation bar lets you select and enter different parts of the dashboard
- Vehicles: add and manage your fleet from here
- Inbox: read and manage your messages from guests
- Quotes: view and manage your quotes
- Reservations: view and manage your bookings
- Calendar: will give you an overview of booking and quotes for your entire fleet
- Customers: your customer list from current and historic guests
- Add-ons and Fees: enables you to set up Add-ons, Mileage/Generator/Delivery fee and State fees
- Rules: set up your dynamic pricing rules for the year
- Premium Services: additional services from Outdoorsy that you can enable to offer to your guests
- GPS: sorry, this feature is not supported anymore
- Account settings: has a sub-menu where you can set details like your bank account, store location and may more
Search functionality
The search bar across the top of the screen can be used to search for customer names, reservation numbers, or even vehicles. This is typically the quickest way to jump to specific information within Wheelbase.
Account settings
I will touch on a few of the accounts settings below. I encourage you to explore the accounts settings when you start to set up your Wheelbase account.
Payout Preferences: You will want to set this up right away. This is how you get paid! (Bank information, has to be a checking account!)
Reservation Preferences: This is where you set criteria that applies to all of your reservations. For Example: Default pickup/drop off time, minimum nights, reservation deposits
Checkout Questions: These are answered at the time of checkout by your guests. Great for things like: "how many people will you be traveling with?" and "How did you hear about us?"
Delivery Drivers: Add any/all employees who will be driving the RV to deliver to the guest for a booking