Set up basic company information and settings that will show on your Outdoorsy profile page, reservation receipt or guest checkout flow.
Go to Account settings to access an manage information.
"About you" photo: will be used in messages sent to customers and throughout the Outdoorsy booking process. It is therefore important to ensure that the size and format are uniform. We recommend converting it beforehand (500 x 500) with a resizing app (eg Squarify). A picture of the actual host vs. a business logo is preferred by guests and increases bookings.
Phone number: Will show on the guests reservation receipt.
Tell your renters about you: The text will appear during the Outdoorsy booking process. Tell guests why you love hosting or what you are passionate about RVing.
Cover photo: is displayed on your external store integration and the guests booking dashboard as the main background image. It must respect the dimensions 300 x 1400.