You have the ability to offer four levels of protection coverage* (US rentals) to your direct guests through Wheelbase. Leads coming from will be covered through the packages
Our coverage works on an excess basis. In cases of damage, the guest's primary insurance (personal or commercial) will apply first, and our Wheelbase Protection Package will serve as excess coverage. If a denial is presented from the guests coverage - or if the guest does not have a policy in place - then the Wheelbase Protection Package will move to first position.
With above being the case, please ensure you are taking a photo of guest insurance cards as part of key exchange as that is one of the requirements when a claim is filed.
Protection package options
Liability Coverage: State Minimum
Comprehensive & Collision Protection: Up to 300K
Liability Coverage: State Minimum
Comprehensive & Collision Protection: Up to 300K
Roadside Assistance
Peace of Mind
- Liability Coverage: Up to $500K
- Comprehensive & Collision Protection: Up to 300K
- Windshield Repair Coverage
- Roadside Assistance
- State Minimum Liability Limit
- Physical Damage limit up to $300K
- Windshield Repair Coverage
*Liability coverage of up to $1M for hosts (applicable to all protection packages)
Note: You have the option to offer Roadside Assistance for your 'direct' guests who choose either the 'basic' or 'stationary' insurance protection package via premium services page on your dashboard.
Note on Deductibles
For bookings the insurance deductible is stated in the details of the protection package (click here for more details). Your Outdoorsy Claims Representative may assist in collecting this balance and will advise of any action needed on your part to finalize settlement.
For direct bookings your deductible is going to be 2% of the stated replacement value; with a minimum of $500 and maximum of $1,500. This is taken from your claim payout and your responsibility as an owner to collect it.
Wheelbase protection package pricing
You can see the cost of the Wheelbase package by going to your Premium Service tab and clicking on the link that says "View Wheelbase package pricing". These prices are the ones that guests will see when they book a rental with you online through the Wheelbase check out.
Please keep in mind that if you have listings for vehicles that are larger than usual, there will be a separate pricing rule called Long Vehicle Pricing. This pricing rule is not shown in the "View Wheelbase package pricing" section. However, when guests book online, they will see the correct price that includes the additional charge.
For vehicles that are 30 feet or longer, there will be an extra 15% charge on top of the regular price, with a minimum charge of $5. If the vehicle is 36 feet or longer, the additional charge will be 30% with a minimum charge of $10.
Additional 15% charge for Vehicles >= 30ft (minimum of $5)
Additional 30% for Vehicles >= 36ft (minimum of $10)
Option to adjust 'Wheelbase protection package pricing'
You as a host have the option to decide how much you or your renters pay for insurance (you can have the renters pay the full daily cost; you can split it 50-50; or any combination that works best for you).
When looking at your Premium Service tab, if you have it set to 0% markup under Optional Premiums, that means the whole cost of the insurance package is paid by the guest. If you have negative (-%) percentage in the Optional Premiums field, that discounts the cost of the package to the guest, and you are paying that difference.