In this morning's webinar we kicked off with some ways to keep cool in the heat of summer. This article posted a few months ago goes over various air conditioning options that are out there, as well as some useful maintenance and troubleshooting tips.
There is no 90-day inspection form for AC, but this is definitely something you want to be on top of as a host. Effective upkeep will ensure longevity of the units themselves, as well as more seamless guest experiences. The last thing you want is a unit breaking down in 110+ heat (we reckon that would result in that guest leaving a pretty nasty review )
It's also worthwhile considering any add-ons or complimentary items that can spruce up your listing. Ever considered offering portable fans or coolers? A fun option to consider could be YETI products - we have a handful of hosts who have experienced success with this offering!
'Shoulder Checks' (continued from last month)
Are all of your rigs insured?
You can check this under the ‘insurance & roadside’ tab under the vehicle setting.
In this section you also have the choice to customize roadside and insurance options for specific vehicles (which overrides your ‘global’ settings)
Roadside Assistance (Membership ID's)
We have had an increased number of cases where guests are hitting the road with incomplete Roadside Assistance information. Are you double checking to ensure membership id’s are in place? Typically this info is populated 3-4 days prior to trip start date; a good time to check on it is 48-72 hours prior to departure.
Visibility into guest booking flow and guest dashboard
On the webinar we went through the motions of creating a 'direct' booking to become more familiar with the guest checkout flow. In doing so called out some key points, including the following:
- pick up and drop off times - have you set your store hours appropriately to ensure the guest is selecting a time that meshes with your availability?
- checkout questions - as mentioned last month, guests do have the ability to bypass mandatory free form questions by entering spaces in the 'answer' field (an option to combat this is modifying these questions as yes/no or multiple choice)
- on the payment page there is a 'terms of service' radio button that is linked to the 'terms of service' URL entered at the bottom of the ‘policies & documents’ section of your dashboard
- roadside assistance, trip insurance, and interior damage protection are all offered after payment has been processed (in accordance with your settings)
- once flow is complete and quote has been submitted a confirmation page appears (with an immediate reminder for guest to sign rental agreement)
Once booking was confirmed we then reviewed the guest dashboard to shed more transparency on what the guest sees on their side.