This option can be embedded on your existing site. It shows a checkout form for a specific vehicle, including Availability. This is a good option if you already have vehicle pages setup on your existing site.
How to install the integration:
- To integrate the embedded individual vehicle page on your website, you must first get access to your website back office.
- Once you have access to your back office, it's all about inserting a "template" (different tools will use different naming but they usually called those template widget, iframe, HTML ...)
- Copy the script below and replace the XXXX in data-rental=“XXXX”with the specific rental ID # of the individual vehicle. The vehicle ID can be found in the URL when you go to your vehicle page on your Wheelbase Dashboard.
- Once done, it's as simple as pasting the script into the template you've added to the webpage where you want to place your individual vehicle page iframe component.
<script type="text/javascript">
var Outdoorsy = Outdoorsy || {};
Outdoorsy.color = "1b4a8f";
(function() {
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.src =
script.async = true;
var entry = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
entry.parentNode.insertBefore(script, entry);
<div id="outdoorsy-book-now-container" data-rental="XXXX" data-color="000000"></div>
Button color: you can specify the accent/button color just like the external store
Add data-color="000000" to your div element
How to install the integration in WordPress:
Alternatively, if you have a WordPress site, there is a simplified plugin to help get things setup. This is a very lightweight plugin that allows WordPress users to embed the wheelbase checkout app into their site. This is necessary cause WordPress blocks scripts from loading inside posts sometimes.
Wheelbase Wordpress Shortcode Installation
Zip up the file and upload it to the plugins directory in Wordpress. Alternatively, you can upload it through the plugins interface in your Wordpress dashboard.
Add to your webpage
On any page where you want to embed the storefront, simply add the correct shortcode
[wheelbase rental="XXXX" color="000000"]